How It Works
griddig for Landlords
& Landlord Brokers
At griddig, our goal is to bring transparency and clarity to all office leasing transactions by providing you with a framework of Tools to add and manage listings, compare prospective tenants and collaborate to draft and sign a Letter of Intent that covers every important point.

We give you the control over your building’s homepage on griddig and ensure that your prospective tenants have all of the details they really need when comparing buildings and listings.
Find your buildings now. On your building’s landing page you can click to request access to edit your building’s details. griddig will verify that you are the building owner and hand you the controls to invite your Building Representatives, manage your Building information and Listings and begin making deals on our platform!

Need an architect, general contractor or other professionals along the way? Read reviews from other members in our Find Team Members directory.

Need a little extra insight into the office leasing process? Check out our educational Articles for advice from local experts and to learn more about your local commercial real estate landscape.
Sign up today and get free access to our premium tools, including our space comparison tool and our Letter of Intent generator. Get started!