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Reviews forJohn Grcina
General Contractor
Field Construction

[email protected]
office: 415-648-8140
cell: 4157169150

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Reviews on griddig

Although we encourage everyone to write Reviews, we have a couple of guidelines to ensure that all Reviews are relevant and reliable.

In order to share your insights on griddig:

  1. You must have a paid griddig account (does not apply to Service Providers); and
  2. You may only write Reviews about Customers, Customer Representatives, Brokers, General Contractors and other Service Providers you’ve worked with through a completed Search or Listing Project — meaning a Letter of Intent (LOI) has been signed on griddig.

As a result, we can ensure that every review on griddig is a trustworthy review.

Each time you complete a Search or Listing Project and sign an LOI on griddig, we’ll drop you a line reminding you to write a Review about each Team member you collaborated with throughout your Project.

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